Games Workshop Releases for October 30th

With the end of October we’re delving into dark fantasy. This week takes us to the Mortal Realms and Middle Earth with Games Workshop releases for October 30th. Preorders start on October 23rd and run through launch or while supplies last.

Due to manufacturing and shipping delays some items have been tightly allocated. If inventory shows zero on a preorder, check back after launch for expected restocks.

Age of Sigmar Releases for October 30th

Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternals and skulking Kruleboyz reinforcements engage with the latest set of Games Workshop releases for October 30th. Some of these were available as part of Age of Sigmar Dominion and some are all new. Choose a side and conquer!

Stormcast Eternals Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos

Our first hero, Bastion Cartholos leads the Hammers of Sigmar into the third edition. Among the mightiest of Sigmar’s heroes, Bastian wields the meteoric grandhammer, Uskavar, and appears clad in the thickest sigmarite plate.

Stormcast Eternals Knight-Relictor

Like all Stormcast, the Knight-Relicator fights with the strength of the tempest, but that is not their primary calling. Instead, they bolster your forces through prayer and the the delicate incense of martyr’s bones.

Stormcast Eternals Vanquishers

The master swordsmen of the Vanquishers unit forms the other half of the Thunderstrike battleline. Wielding two-handed swords, the number of attacks increase with the unit size. At ten or more models they gain an additional 2 attacks!

Stormcast Eternals Vigilors

Vigilors provide thunderstrike clad forces a far reaching reconnaissance unit. Lasying down a steady rate of fire from their Stormcaller bows, Vigilors find and weaken enemy units before your battlelines clash.

Stormcast Eternals Praetors

Praetors accompany your heroes into battle as bodyguards. So closely do they cleave to their ward that they begin to take on their personality and, of course, their wounds as their own.

Stormcast Eternals Annihilators

Even more heavily armored than most Stormcast, Annihilators charge against the strongest enemy units. The ones shown below wield grandhammers.

Stormcast Eternals Vindictors

The mainstay of thunderstrike-clad Stormcast, Vindictors form a strong battleline unit. Their Stormspears inflict a mortal wound with each roll of 6 to hit at 2″ away. Meanwhile, their thunderstrike armor and shield provides them with a dependable 3+ save.

Orruk Warclans Kruleboyz Man-Skewer Boltboyz

Smart Orruks fight at range. This is just where the Man-Skewer Boltboyz feel at home. The different weapon profile allows for precise shooting at range or a heavier, but not as well aimed, rate of fire closeup. Either way, they pack enough Damage to down the average Stormcast and put a solid hurt on others.

Orruk Warclans Hobgrot Slittas

Usually considered little more than screening fodder, units of Hobgrots may still pack a powerful punch. Armed with Sulphuric Scrap-grenades they can dependably wound whatever they hit. A little bit of Rending helps the damage slip through. While outclassed by any dedicated melee troop, the malicious little Hobgrots may surprise a foe with 2 attacks each and each 6 scoring yet another hit.

Middle-Earth Releases for October 30th

Unfortunately, the Middle-Earth line has been tightly allocated. We have a small number available for preorder. If quantities are at zero, check back after launch for restocks. Our apologies.

Fall of the Necromancer

Fall of the Necromancer expands your gaming in Middle-Earth with the rise of Sauron the Necromancer. Thirteen narrative scenarios culminate with the White Council’s showdown. Meanwhile, four new Legendary Legions recreate forces you’ve seen on the screen. All in a durable hardback book.

Witch-King of Angmar

Lead the forces of evil with the Witch-King of Angmar. Available in plastic, this kit builds the Witch-King mounted and on foot.

Ruins of Dol Guldur

The titular stronghold of the Necromancer, the Ruins of Dol Guldur is a modular kit allowing construction of a small fastness or sprawling multi-level stronghold.

Angmar Dice Set

A new dice set for the forces of Evil, the Angmar dice are transparent with colored swirls of ink inside as if magical force were spilling out!

SundayPreview Oct17 AngmarDice

Warhammer Day 2021 Miniature

We’re pleased offer a number of the Warhammer Day miniature, Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion, for preorder. Available while supplies last.

Thank you for viewing our Games Workshop releases for October 30th. Join us next week as we peer past the chill of Halloween into the depths of November!