Armada Fleet Faction Images Released

Last week we previewed Mantic’s new game of high seas combat, Kings of War: Armada. This week, we have a compilation of ship images from each of the four announced factions. Each Armada Faction shows off three of the larger ships available to them. Mantic Games provides additional information on their news page.


Basilea stands as the strongest of the human nations. Their proud sailed ships maneuver in classic gun lines to bring deadly broadsides to bear. Meanwhile, their heavy Battle Ships, don’t fear closing range to where the full weight of their massive broadsides or boarding crews crush the heart of the faithless enemy. Finally, the dedication to their gods wreaths the ships in protective magics and belches forth blessed shot.

Elohi-class warShip
Abbess-class Battle Ship
Dictator-class Battle Ship


The ships of the Orc ‘Navy’ are designed with one goal in mind. Close as fast as possible to crush your enemy and board anything left floating. The ramshackle appearance of their craft hides a surprising durability needed to close with more ranged foes. Meanwhile, their focus on powerful ramming devices and boarding makes them deadly combatants when they get there.

Ripper Hulk

Empire of Dust

The long dead sail once again in ships constructed of the very bones of the Mighty Dead. The elegant ships of the Empire of Dust rely on sails with rows of oars for added maneuverability. In battle, their tireless crew launch enchanted ballista and command mighty magics. One day, all will be dust.

War Galley


Only a lack of numbers prevent the Dwarfs from controlling the seas. With powerful steam driven paddlewheels, Dwarf ships have no need of sails. With thick plated armor and flexible sponson-mounted cannon, they dispense with inflexible battlelines to run rampant amongst their lesser foes.

RuneAxe Ironclad
GrimmStone Ironclad
Dreadnought-class Ironclad

Thank you for checking out the Armada Faction preview. We’ll post preorders as more information becomes available. Until then, do any of the factions catch your interest? Or is there a ship you especially like?

For myself, I love the story and appearance of the Empire of Dust. They’re elegant weapons of a more more civilized age. Although, I am really pulled to the brute strength and technological superiority of Dwarf Ironclads. Now I’m wondering if I could find a USS Monitor in scale…

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