Zendikar Rising Product Breakdown

The release of Zendikar Rising quickly approaches. Today, we’re going to take a quick look at the products coming to CMO Games. Extend your Explorer’s Scope and see what’s ahead.

Draft Boosters
The old standard, Draft Boosters provide you with the best way to play Limited formats such as Booster Draft or Sealed Deck. Each pack will contain 10 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare or mythic rare, 1 full-art basic land, and 1 token/ad card. Wizards teaked the drop rate for mythic rares from 1-in-8 to 1-in-7.4 packs. Foils appear in one of the common spots in about a third of pack.

Exciting, alternate art versions of cards may be found in a booster ranging from showcase frames to borderless land cards.

Zendikar Rising standard vs showcase frame
Lotus Cobra is back!
Zendikar Rising Full Art Land
Full art, eaven for both sides of a Modal DFC!

Each Draft Booster Display contains 36 packs and 1 Expedition box topper.

Collector Boosters
The high-end booster for the M:tG player who must have it all.
First, Collector Boosters are the only packs you can crack a foil Expedition. Second, there’s a ton of different stuff here…

1 – Foil Expedition, foil showcase, foil borderless,
or foil extended art rare or mythic rare
1 – Foil showcase common or uncommon
1 – Showcase or borderless rare or mythic rare
2 – Showcase common or uncommon
1 – Foil rare or mythic rare
1 – Extended-art rare or mythic rare
1 – Foil full-art basic land
2 – Foil uncommon
5 – Foil common
1 – Foil token

You’ll receive 4 guaranteed rares, 11 guaranteed foils, and 7 guaranteed alternate-frame cards per pack.

Each Collector Booster Display holds 12 boosters and 2 Expedition box toppers

Set Boosters
I have a detailed run through at the linked article. So today we’ll just hit the highlights. The Set Boosters are a new type introduced with Zendikar Rising with the goal of turning the opening of each pack into a FUN experience. In terms of treasure haul you can expect in your 12 card pack;

Up to 4 rares
1 foil in each pack
1-in-4 packs with a card from The List (more in a later article)
chances for alternate art cards
1 art card with 1-in-20 foil-stamped
1 token/ad card

A Set Booster Display will have 30 packs and one Expedition Box Topper.

Zendikar Rising Bundle
The final Zendikar Rising product in our store is the Bundle. Cheaper than an entire display, but still contains lots of packs, lands, and other fun stuff. Whether you’re sampling the set or getting a new player started, the bundle gives you a good entry point. Each bundle contains 10 Draft Boosters, 20 foil basic lands and 20 basic lands (both in the regular frame), and alt-art card (TBA), an oversized spindown, and packed in a card storage box.

Zendikar Rising Bundle

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